Ronin - S02E06.1 - Day by Day

Started by Abenette Kelker, December 10, 2017, 06:36:31 PM

Abenette Kelker

Abe was pacing a bit in their bunk when Ian made it there.

"What's up?  Things ok?  What did the doc say?"

She stopped, opened her mouth to speak, closed it again and resumed to pace.

Why couldn't she just say it?  It wasn't like he didn't know what was going on.  It was his observation that got them looking in the right place for an answer to her condition.

Just say it, Abe, she chastised herself.

So she stopped again and looked at him and tried to sort it out.  She had all these feelings swirling around in her head.  A lot of them were uncertain and wrapped up in the image that she grew up in of how a mother was supposed to act.

At home, a mother nurtured and taught the children the ways of the home.  They did not use a gun as a career path.  What did that mean for her?

Suddenly, something that he had said to her before, the night they took their relationship to the next level.  The night that this child was most likely conceived.

Quote"Where do we go from here?  We go day by day and see what happens.  I cant promise more than that..."

Then she found her voice.

"We'll take this day by day, right?  That's what ya said before.  Take things day by day and see what happens?" she whispered, just loud enough for him to hear.

She stepped up to him until she was just mere inches from him as she looked up into his eyes.

"Met with Doc.  Did some tests..."

She knew that she probably had the most terrified expression that he would have ever seen on her face, but that was what she was.  No sense toning that down for him.  With Ian, she was safe to feel what she wanted and knew that he'd have her back no matter what.

So she gave him a little shrug with one shoulder and just spit it out the best she could.  They had known that she was either very sick or pregnant when they had gone to see Doc.  She couldn't quite get herself to say the "P" word yet, so she did her best.

"Well, I ain't dying or sick, so..."

Hopefully, he'd figure it out.

Ian Dugan

When he heard his own words float back to him from Abe's mouth he nodded and his frown deepened.  He listened, fearing the worst and was surprised that he really wanted a family with Abe.

It took a moment for her final words to make it through the fog that had settled over his brainpan.  When he understood the them his frown changed to a crooked smile of sheer joy.

"Wa-Hoo!!....Shh.  Shh.  You said to keep it quiet."

He continued to smile as he took Abe into his arms and hugged her to him.

Abenette Kelker

Abe was actually jerked out of her terrified "fog" by Ian.

"Wa-Hoo!!....Shh.  Shh.  You said to keep it quiet."

He was over the moon, wide smile and everything.  If she was still confused as to what he felt, it was clearly communicated when he took her into his arms and hugged her snugly.

She hugged him back, a certain amount of trembling shaking through her body, but she took a breath and relaxed a little, giving her a chance to let it sink in and even smile a little.

A baby...  If she had to pick someone to make a baby with, it would definitely be Ian.

"Ya really are excited, aren't ya?"

He was.  She could tell.  She had to tell him how she felt then.

"I love ya, Capt'n," she said into his ear.  "And I know that as soon as I get over the shock of it all, I will love this little one too."

She pushed back just a bit so she could look him in the eye.

"I don't wanna tell Kuei yet.  I probably don't want ta say somethin' for a while, at least 'til we have a plan," she told him.  "I ain't settlin' dirtside.  That ain't me.  I need ta be in the black and I need ta be workin'.  But there is only one thin' I am good at."

She sighed.

"How are we gonna work this?"

Ian Dugan

"Like I said before, one day at a time.  We already share a berth, and we've spent a long time in close quarters on the Blaze."

He paused in thought.

"What I know is that I'm very much in love with you.  So...."

Abenette Kelker

Abe relaxed a little at Ian's answer t owhat they should do now.

"Like I said before, one day at a time.  We already share a berth, and we've spent a long time in close quarters on the Blaze."

It was really a non-answer.  It didn't really have any kind of workable plan to follow.  It was just a sign of support from Ian and for Abe to know she wasn't alone.  That she appreciated.

"What I know is that I'm very much in love with you.  So...."

She raised an eyebrow at him.

"Is that your bid ta try ta get me ta marry ya?" she asked with a smile.  It was true.  She loved him with every fiber too.  She rolled her eyes and sighed a bit.  "I guess that would be OK.  I just want it ta be just the two of us at a magistrate somewhere. Nothin' fancy.  And I'm not wearin' a dress."

She sobered a little.

"I don't know where we stand on this ship, Ian.  Whether or not they will put us off when it gets obvious what has happened 'tween us.  I want us ta have time ta think and have a plan.  Really."

Then she thought a moment.

"Ya think we should be plottin' on how to get Glory back?  Do ya think it may be our best bet?"

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