Charitable Donation

Started by Grace Halladay, May 02, 2018, 08:00:12 PM

Grace Halladay

When they arrived at the ship Grace was fairly impressed, it seemed to be functional and she had high hopes for the state of the med bay.  Charity had managed to keep the conversation going, she was quite a lively girl quite the opposite to the doctor's demeanour.  Grace didn't mind it was a nice change of pace and she really didn't have to talk much just listen, smile and nod.  Coming up to where the Captain said she'd find the med bay Grace was ready to take a break from the conversation and go over the inventory, she couldn't lie and pretend she wasn't giddy like when she was three years old at Christmas dreaming of the abacus her parents had promised her.  She assumed Charity would be looking to settle in for the night and she'd have a nice peaceful evening making a requisitions list.

"Well this is my stop.  If you want to you can leave the dress with me and I'll get it cleaned up and have it ready for you in the morning."

This had been quite the day, meeting up with Emit after so long was nice though they really needed to get a proper catch up.  Amorru was a shock she was still not sure how to adjust to, things were complicated considering the way she left him and the guilt she had for her harshness in doing so.  There would be a hard conversation at some point and she felt she was going to have to explain herself which in itself was hard to compute considering his reckless nature and skirt-chasing ways.  She didn't have a good read on the Captain or his first mate but how the standoff came about and ended, it was clear that at least the Captain wasn't a shoot first type not quite sure about the XO however.  Then there was the mechanic who might give Amy a run for his money.  Lastly there was Charity, in a group of misfits she stuck out like a sore thumb and that was only fifty percent the fact that she was dressed in gold.  Grace would have to explain the practical approach to not getting mugged in space by not wearing a Beauty & the Beast costume.


During the walk, Charity had monopolized the conversation quite completely. She'd tried, initially, to drag the doctor into the waltz of words, but a few shy responses later Charity realized Grace might be more comfortable listening. And of course, the debutante was more than eager to oblige her. While she spoke of nothing of import, she still managed to find things to say on the walk to the ship, only pausing when they'd reached the medbay.

"Oh," she breathed, still holding onto Grace's arm as she bent forward in an attempt to peer into the infirmary, "I don't think it would be appropriate for me to walk back to my room in my sous-vĂȘtements, alone," she told the doctor, clearly meaning her underwear. "Especially with the dashing pilot wandering around," she added, eyeing Grace out of the corner of her eye to gauge her reaction to that last comment. "Perhaps you could accompany me to my room while I change? I'm not too proud to admit I'd love some company before bed, I find my first night on a strange ship is always the worst," she continued, patting Grace's hand very gently, "I get remarkably lonely," she clarified, looking up at the woman through her thick lashes in the best Charity version of 'puppy dog eyes' she could manage.

It was true that she was eager to get back to her belongings and to see what sort of room they'd set up for her, but she was also a little afraid to be alone in such an unfamiliar place. Spending some more time with Grace would surely brighten up her new space enough for her to feel comfortable and for sleep to find her easier than if she'd gone to her new abode alone. "I wouldn't keep you too long, perhaps just long enough for a snack? I've brought some very delicious treats along in my things and I'd be delighted to share them with you," she offered.
Dialogue Color: AntiqueWhite

Grace Halladay

"I don't think it would be appropriate for me to walk back to my room in my sous-vĂȘtements, alone... Especially with the dashing pilot wandering around"

Grace looked to Charity, her eyes casting down and back up her form in a quick flash.  While she understood the sentiment it was the mention of their pilot that caught her off guard.  Her first real reaction was a bit of jealousy, especially with the unadulterated beauty the woman possessed while also taking into account Amorru's way with women.  She hoped she hadn't given anything away but then she thought about it and wondered if Charity had picked something up at the bar between the two.  Was she mining for information?  Grace began to process all possible meanings of the comment.  Realizing she didn't have the social range to grasp the concept she cleared her throat in preparation to respond despite not knowing what to say.  She was saved from this by Charity who piped up again.

"Perhaps you could accompany me to my room while I change? I'm not too proud to admit I'd love some company before bed, I find my first night on a strange ship is always the worst... I get remarkably lonely,"

Grace de-tensed as the potential for meaningful conversation was replaced by Charity's request for company.  While medically impossible Grace let out the biggest internal sigh ever as she looked down at the hand Charity was patting.  Returning to her gaze the doctor's bleeding heart melted, who could say no to that look?  Charity must have run a gauntlet on the boys, not implying promiscuity but the girl was incorrigible.

"I wouldn't keep you too long, perhaps just long enough for a snack? I've brought some very delicious treats along in my things and I'd be delighted to share them with you," [/i]

"Well."  Grace pondered a moment, her desire to count pills being torn by an affinity for her new friend.  Despite not being particularly hungry she did kind of crave a companionship that wasn't going to be fulfilled by spreadsheets and sterilized surfaces.

"I haven't had a bite to eat since lunch and the ship might crash if Am... Adam or whoever that pilot is saw such a gem in her unmentionables."  She wasn't going to lie, the woman might cause her to lose focus in a state of undress.  She had a serious urge to find a parka to wear when standing next to the beauty.

"Where did the Captain set you up?"


"I haven't had a bite to eat since lunch and the ship might crash if Am... Adam or whoever that pilot is saw such a gem in her unmentionables."

Absolutely thrilled to bits, either with Grace's acceptance of her invitation or the clearly staged mix up of names, Charity beamed at the doctor and set her cheek on the woman's shoulder for the briefest of moments, "Oh, I'm so glad! You're an absolute angel, Grace," She was thankful both for the company and the potential she suddenly saw in the Doctor. Charity firmly believed that with a little help, Grace would be able to play the game just as well as anyone else, maybe even as well as Charity... or Reyes. "If I'm not mistaken, I think I recall his name being 'Reyes'? From what the Captain said, of course, but surely that must be a last name," she began, still smiling in the woman's direction, "Don't you think it sounds like a last name?" Still, she kept her attention on Grace, watching her face and feeling the tenseness or lacktherof via their linked arms.

"Where did the Captain set you up?"

"My new room is this way," she began, tilting her head and pulling the other woman along with her gently, "I think. But like I always say, getting lost is simply an adventure in disguise," she told her new friend. Whether or not she really said that or simply made it up on the spot was another matter entirely. "I feel I should apologize in advance for the state of my room. Our sweet Captain had his XO put my things in it just before we left for that...drinking establishment, so I have been quite unable to make it more presentable," she warned. "But I assure you, allow me a few days and the room will be quite the sight to behold!"

Following the vague path that she'd half remembered, Charity surprised herself by managing to lead them to her room. Sure, they'd taken the most roundabout way there, but that could have been on accident. And it could also have been entirely an accident that their path had somehow briefly led them past the bridge before winding back in the right direction. Ships were tricky things, weren't they? Inside the room, her luggage was piled as neatly as Abigail had deemed necessary and it didn't look like it had been rifled through, although clearly Charity hadn't been worried about such a thing. The thought of one of the crew looking through her private possessions hadn't even entered her mind.

"Please, come in," Charity invited, pulling Grace in with her and not really offering her a choice in the matter.
Dialogue Color: AntiqueWhite

Grace Halladay

"If I'm not mistaken, I think I recall his name being 'Reyes'? From what the Captain said, of course, but surely that must be a last name... Don't you think it sounds like a last name?"

Wait.. did his first name come up?  Was he only introduced as Reyes?  Grace felt her pulse pounding and at the same time realized Charity was quite deliberate in her questioning.  It was too late to play it cool, how long had she waited to respond anyway?  What was the appropriate response, what was the right answer?


As her shoulders lowered she decided to approach everything else Charity threw at her with surgical precision.  Cold and calculated, yeah that would work.  A socialite with a penchant for socialling in socialziational moments of socializing.  Most of those weren't words but who cared Grace was being shredded by someone who excelled at her own weakness.

It seemed a long way to get to her bunk, they passed by the bridge and Grace tried hard not to look but couldn't resist a glance in at Amorru as they passed by.  Was he as bothered as her by their reunion?  If he wasn't why the rut not?  Realizing this was intentional on Charity's part she pushed her emotions to the background.  There was no need to pass by the cockpit to get to Charity's room.

The whole time Charity had kept the conversation up, apologizing for the state of a room Halladay had never seen.  It was ridiculous, needless and endearing all at the same time.  Grace knew that Charity had something going on in her words, direction and demeanour but at the same time their constant physical contact was a representation of trust.

Grace was then 'invited' into the room which had some suitcases hastily stacked, she guessed the XO may have gone through some things as from what she knew of Charity the girl wouldn't let anything be so carelessly placed.

"So.  Your dress.  Do you want some privacy while you change?  It appears it may be in short supply."  She said as she looked at one of the unhitched latches on the girls cases.


"So.  Your dress.  Do you want some privacy while you change?  It appears it may be in short supply."

"Oh! Yes, of course,"
she exclaimed, as though she'd forgotten about the condition of her poor dress during their conversation. Finally, Charity slid her arm free of Grace's and approached the bags, eyeing them with a soft, defeated little sigh at the state of them. She was very careful to set aside the smaller bag, which jingled as she moved it, filled with what was most likely jewelry or some other type of accessory. Once it was safe and sound, she pulled out a deep red robe from the biggest bag and held it out to Grace, laying it across her arms, "Would you mind holding this for me? Just for a moment," she asked, although again, she'd already given the doctor the robe...

Making sure the door was shut properly, Charity set to the daunting and intricate task of unclasping, untying, and unbuttoning the countless snaps, hooks and closures required to free her of the golden monstrosity. When it was all undone, she was able to set aside each piece, running her hands over them lovingly and making a mental note to look into a better storage method for her dresses. Left in her white silk brocade stays and bloomers, Charity turned to face the doctor, her hands up as she pulled pins from her hair, "You have such lovely hair," she complimented, looking Grace over with a warm, sisterly smile, "Do you find it hard to keep it so? On a ship?" she asked, wondering if there were any... space tips she could glean for her own hair maintenance, as though the products she brought with her weren't enough. Once her hair was free to cascade around her face, framing it in chocolate, Charity held an elegant hand out for the robe. She would have offered up a seat for the woman but as it was, the only spaces available were the floor, the bed, and a ledge. She figured after intentionally stressing the poor doctor out, she'd at least let the dear choose her own seating arrangements, let her take some of her power back.

"It must be hard to meet people, all the way out here," she added out of the blue, brushing a stray curl away from her face and looking wistful, and it was entirely possible that she was talking about her own situation, "Separated by so much space, I'm sure it's quite rare for two strangers to meet, and love must have such aching trouble blossoming out in the dark," she continued, again looking up at Grace through her lashes, not really asking anything in particular with that general statement or making any discernible point. She was far more interested in her new companion's opinion on the matter. Once the robe was on her person and her body mostly covered, she gathered up the dress and moved to where Grace stood, pausing a moment before putting it back on the bed, the silver locket she wore sparkling against her chest. She'd give it to her after they'd had their snack. She didn't want the doctor to escape just yet, after all. "I feel terribly that there are no proper chairs for you to sit in," she murmured, waiting or hoping that Grace would sit on her own. Somehow, she was able to look just melancholy enough that it broadcasted the need for some comforting.
Dialogue Color: AntiqueWhite

Grace Halladay

Grace was still a bit in awe at how much luggage the young debutante had, how did she manage to carry this with her all over space?  The easy answer was probably that she didn't, others did it for her.  After filtering through a big bag she produced a crimson robe and draped it across Grace's arms.  The request to do so was more a formality since it was already now in her possession.  She simply smiled as she stood there awkwardly not really sure where to look as Charity began to disrobe.

Now Doctor Grace Halladay had taken part in many complicated medical procedures in her day but she would have to go back to school to master what Charity was doing as she untied herself from the dress.  It was like watching an escape artist working in a straightjacket with chains, or a really really high society bondage fetish.  When finally the girl finished undressing and turned back to Grace as she unlocked her hair Grace jumped slightly as she had been caught staring.  Charity didn't seem to notice, or care.

"You have such lovely hair... Do you find it hard to keep it so? On a ship?"

If Grace didn't know better from what she knew of the woman's sincerity, she would have thought she was joking or just trying to be nice but it seemed a genuine compliment and inquiry.  She nervously reached for her hair just as Charity's fell like silky ribbons around her face and shoulders.

"I.. uh.  Use water... to... wash... it."  She stumbled over her words trying to get a sentence out, her beauty regime would likely cause her counterpart to die of fright.  She handed off the robe to the woman who thankfully filled the void again.

"It must be hard to meet people, all the way out here...  Separated by so much space, I'm sure it's quite rare for two strangers to meet, and love must have such aching trouble blossoming out in the dark,"

Again the highly educated and intelligent doctor was locked in the headlights like a deer.  This was the second time Charity had made a remark and Grace was starting to catch a drift.

"Well.. I mean I don't know.  I've always just focused on my work.  Never really thought too much about being with someone.  Though I'm sure you haven't had any issues finding men's attention, I mean you're quite beautiful if you don't mind I say that."  Her medical diagnosis was that she was either flush or blushing, her hand slid from her hair to the back of her neck, rubbing it as she was oft to do at times.  When she mentioned the lack of seating arrangements she looked genuinely depressed about it.

"Oh no honey.  It's fine, I mean the bed is fine enough.  Not all luxuries of life are a given on a ship.  I mean I myself have never seen a ship with a dermal mender and considering how often they are necessary it would be quite useful to have one."  Grace found a spot on the bed and sat, careful to avoid any of Charity's very dear clothes.

"Speaking of, and I mean no offense but why are you on the ship?  Captain said you were a passenger?  Where are you heading?"  The question would also answer where she herself was heading.


Everything about Grace further endeared her to the wealthy woman. The way she spoke, the simplicity of her life. That wasn't to say that Grace was 'simple', but it made Charity adore her the way she did so much with so little and didn't seem to complain or feel as though she were at a loss. Charity watched Grace as she spoke on her love life, her gaze unyielding in its full, unbridled focus. She had the type of stare that made people feel like she was not only listening to what they were saying, but that she genuinely cared as well.

"Though I'm sure you haven't had any issues finding men's attention, I mean you're quite beautiful if you don't mind I say that."

"Oh! Well, I assure you I'll never mind a compliment," she guaranteed her new friend, laughing gently, musically. Adjusting her robe a little so that it would remain properly closed, Charity sat next to Grace on the edge of the bed. While the doctor asked her question, she reached a hand into a shimmering hand bag and retrieved a little baby blue box from its confines. She took the top off and moved the white tissue paper aside before holding the container out to Grace. Inside were little round truffles coated in a rich cocoa powder, each about the size of an acorn.

"How about we play a fun little game?" she asked, sidestepping the question entirely. "I much enjoyed playing this back home, it's quite popular, you see," she continued, keeping the box close to Grace so she could have as many truffles as she wanted. "I'll answer any one question of yours, and then you have to answer any one question of mine? Sound fun?" she asked, eyes alight with excitement. "Oh but we must promise each other to be truthful, but I know you would never lie to me, we're friends after all," Charity observed, the smile blooming to life across her painted lips absolutely full of trust.
Dialogue Color: AntiqueWhite

Grace Halladay

Charity seemed to always be lacking the ability to be at a loss for words.  Conversation to her was as smooth as osteomyelitis surgical decompression was to Grace.  Clearly the ball was in her new friends court.  Grace was surprised at the small blue box Charity produced.  Grace wasn't a socialite and quite frankly was usually a black sheep when her family brought her to public events but she knew that box from anywhere.  It was the one indulgence of wealth she had a kindling towards.  Giving Charity a genuine smile of thanks she plucked out one of the truffles and after inspecting it, surprised she would even see these in the black took a small bite.

"How about we play a fun little game?... I much enjoyed playing this back home, it's quite popular, you see... I'll answer any one question of yours, and then you have to answer any one question of mine? Sound fun?...  Oh but we must promise each other to be truthful, but I know you would never lie to me, we're friends after all,"

Grace was with her all along until the last part.  She nearly coughed up the truffle as her eyes widened, re-composing herself she looked to the woman.  She was like a detective, dipped in gold or at the moment rouge.  A femme fatale with words.

"Okay.  Well... I guess that's alright.  How do we play?"  She cleared her throat, now longing for the confines of the medbay she'd barely gotten a glimpse of but oddly curious as to where this was going.  What was Charity looking for out of this?  She had shown a very clear interest in Grace beyond what she was comfortable with.  The Doctor was best suited to being hidden in the background and the last time someone had been this attentive to her was Amorru and she really messed that up.


Pleased as punch, Charity scooted a little closer on the edge of the bed until their hips were touching, her upper body turned in such a way that all of her attention was lavished upon the poor doctor. She seemed pleased both that Grace had accepted the truffles and that she was willing to play along. Still, she kept the box available, reaching in to take one out for herself. Charity inhaled the  deep chocolate aroma once before finally popping the treat into her mouth, a gentle pink creeping across her porcelain cheeks and a delighted smile tugging at the corners of her lips. She did very much love chocolate and she wasn't shy enough to hide that from Grace. In fact, she wanted the other woman to see that it was something they shared.

"How do we play?" 

Delicate shoulders wiggled forward and backward ever so slightly as though betraying her eagerness to play, although it might have been a gesture she allowed quite on purpose. "It's very easy, I promise. Ask me a question, something you would like to know about me or perhaps an opinion you'd like me to share with you," she explained, crossing her legs at the ankles and ignoring how that made the robe slip open at her knees, exposing some of her bloomers and a hint of her fine stockings. Overflowing with anticipation, she set the box on her knees and held it there with both hands, fingers curled around the base of it. "Once I've answered, with complete honesty, then I get to ask you one!" she concluded, eyes alight with the thrill of the game.

All the while, she kept her chin tilted to the side slightly as she spoke, her body leaning toward the other woman's so that she was constantly looking up at the Grace, her brows raised hopefully and her expression nothing by innocent. Perhaps the thought of playing a game that reminded her of home was making her feel comfortable in this strange and foreign ship, or maybe being able to find a friend so accommodating and considerate had her in a good mood.
Dialogue Color: AntiqueWhite

Grace Halladay

One thing Grace was noticing about Charity was that she was very excited about companionship.  She'd cozied right in on Grace and the two were almost literally now attached at the hip.  While it should have been awkward for her Grace really felt surprisingly comfortable with her by her side, not to mention the aroma of whatever fragrance she had adorned being intoxicatingly inviting.

As Charity explained the very easy rules of the game Grace knew that Charity was mining for information herself so she decided to take the first shot.

"Okay.  Why did you pretend to faint?"  She looked over at her a coy smile creeped across her lips.  Even if she had fooled anyone else there was no denying the deliberate timing of her little spell.  Too further encourage that she was in on it, Grace leaned in to Charity and let her shoulder nudge the young woman to further expand on her peaceful endeavour.


May 03, 2018, 10:44:58 PM #11 Last Edit: May 03, 2018, 10:48:00 PM by Charity
"Okay.  Why did you pretend to faint?"

Her eyes rounded a little in surprise, both that her shy little Grace had called her out and that she'd picked that to be her question. She'd been risking a lot in letting Grace ask first, but she was glad that her worries had been unfounded. However, she was more than delighted that her previous assessment had been correct. Given some time and allowed to become comfortable, Grace really could hold her own. Astonishment quickly melted away into conspiratory laughter and she was all too accepting of the doctor's closeness. She had been the one to suggest the game, after all.

"Well, it all seemed rather silly, don't you think?" she asked, raising her brows and shaking her head incredulously at the memory of the situation in the saloon, tendrils of her dark curls moving to obstruct some of her face as she shook them loose with the motion,"Everyone pointing their weapons at everyone else, the pilot clearly overreacting to the whole situation...well it just seemed the best way to ease the tension," she confessed, her cheeks a gentle embarrassed pink. "I have to admit, I was a little worried no one would catch me, having just met them a few minutes earlier, you see," she added, scrunching her nose a little before she returned the gentle nudge with her shoulder. "I hope it wasn't too obvious that I was faking, and I feel I must thank you again for your concern for me. It saved me quite the embarrassment of being found out, I think," she murmured in appreciation.

Now that it was her turn, Charity did take a moment to consider if she wanted to ask her question or not, or if she'd decide to think of something else. However, she'd laid the tracks for this train and there was no getting off now, she supposed. "I want to assure you, I promise not to use any of this information to harm you, I am your friend, truly. I know we've just met but I feel such a kindred bond with you, I want you to trust me as I trust you," she reminded the doctor, her expression tender and a little concerned for the woman. Charity inhaled slowly in preparation, holding it for a second before finally asking what she'd wanted to ask back in the bar, "What happened between you and the pilot?"
Dialogue Color: AntiqueWhite

Grace Halladay

"Well, it all seemed rather silly, don't you think?  Everyone pointing their weapons at everyone else, the pilot clearly overreacting to the whole situation...well it just seemed the best way to ease the tension... I have to admit, I was a little worried no one would catch me, having just met them a few minutes earlier, you see... I hope it wasn't too obvious that I was faking, and I feel I must thank you again for your concern for me. It saved me quite the embarrassment of being found out, I think,"

"You were definitely brave risking that floor.  I'm going to have to make sure nobody walks into the medbay with their boots on after being in there.  I think though your secret is safe with me, there may be a bit of suspicion but I'll write you a doctor's note.  Patient Charity exhibited mild dehydration, combined with the high room temperature caused a temporarily providing only subsistence levels of oxygen reaching the brain.  Preliminary battery tests for thrombosis came back negative.  Patient will monitor and report any further incidents."  So maybe Grace had already come up with a diagnosis just in case anyone gave her a hard time.

"I think I used enough big words that nobody is going to ask further questions on the matter."  She winked at the girl as she snatched another truffle.

"I want to assure you, I promise not to use any of this information to harm you, I am your friend, truly. I know we've just met but I feel such a kindred bond with you, I want you to trust me as I trust you.. What happened between you and the pilot?"

It took an oddly long amount of time for her friend to get the question out, it was possibly the first and last time Grace would see hesitation from her.  She however gathered that this may be the reason Charity wanted to play this earlier and even re-assured their friendship while cleverly slipping in a guilt trip.  Grace's eyes fell to the floor as she processed her answer, then lifting her head she took a deep breath and looked back to Charity.  Her lips pursed.

"Right."  She said with a sigh.

"He was the pilot on the first ship I worked on.  We were usually the only two on the ship while the rest went out on jobs.  He used to make comments about me which I mean I don't know if you can tell I'm a bit plain Jayne so I thought he was making fun of me for a laugh.  Until this one time he was injured in the abdomen, nothing too serious but I had to patch him up.  When he took off his shirt I'm certain my face was a few shades deeper than your robe."  She let out a nervous chuckle before re-composing herself and continued.

"So yada yada yada, we were a thing for a bit and then I left."  She finished as vaguely as possible, the true reason she wasn't really ready to divulge yet.

"Anyway.  My turn.  How do you manage to travel everywhere with so much luggage?  Everything I own fits in two bags and half of that is surgical tools."


May 04, 2018, 08:44:06 AM #13 Last Edit: May 04, 2018, 08:46:28 AM by Charity
Charity had filed away the Doctor's medical assessment in the back of her mind and was fully prepared to reference it later should any of the crew also ask about her 'fainting' spell. She was absolutely willing to let the two of them take this secret, as well as Grace's, to their graves. Sure, Charity could seem a little frivolous and impulsive, but she was fiercely loyal and Grace had somehow earned that loyalty in record time.

As the now crimson clad woman listened to the story, she smiled a little at the appropriate times, even going so far as to once more lean forward and allow her shoulder to bump Grace's when she clearly became nervous. However, the story ended abruptly with little detail and Charity nearly choked on the thousands of questions she knew it wasn't her turn to ask. Her perfectly shaped brows knit together slightly and for a moment she almost looked pained by the amount of restraint it was taking her not to attempt to coax more out of the girl. After all, she had to play fair when she was the one who had essentially forced the doctor to play the game and it was Grace's turn to ask a question.

"How do you manage to travel everywhere with so much luggage?"

Again, she was left a little surprised. The tension in her shoulders eased and once more, Charity's musical laugh filled her new room, brightening it all the more, "At first, I did have help. I found that people closer to the Core were more amenable to carrying my things for me. On the other hand, the further out I went, the more of my own bags I had to carry myself. When I met our new Captain," she began, giggling again and tilting her head, ignoring the dark wave of hair that covered one of her eyes, "I was just dragging them along! I'm sure you can imagine how awful that must have been," she concluded, her eyes alight with mirth.

Now that it was her turn, she had to lay out and prioritize the questions swimming in her mind. Who broke up with who? Did you love him? Did he love you? Surely, you own more than one bag worth of clothing?! Once more, she scrunched up her nose before setting the little box on the floor near the bed and tipping sideways to lay on her side, her dark hair fanned about her head like a chocolate halo. With another charming smile, she pat the bed for the doctor to join her. "Alright, I think I've narrowed it down to one," she announced. "Did he hurt you?" she finally asked, followed by, "If things are ever uncomfortable for you on the ship, I'd like you to remember that you can retreat to my room. Or find me, I'll help you put him back in his place," she assured Grace, her cheeks a soft pink and her smile tender as she winked at the doctor.
Dialogue Color: AntiqueWhite

Grace Halladay

Grace had to admit that it was more comforting than she thought it would be to have Charity to talk to about this.  She even nudged her for encouragement as she fought to get the words out.  As she spoke of her trials and tribulations getting all that luggage across the 'verse and was actually a little surprised she didn't mention anything about a robbery.  Especially in these parts this girl was a target that would have many licking their lips.  She might as well have had a big bullseye floating over her head with an arrow pointing down but Grace was happy and oddly relieved that her new friend had met Jax and avoided unnecessary harm.

Charity leaned back on the bed turning on her side and facing Grace, encouraging her to do the same and she obliged there was something so inviting about her that Grace and all her usual inhibitions were on hold and she was just enjoying the company.

"Alright, I think I've narrowed it down to one... Did he hurt you?  If things are ever uncomfortable for you on the ship, I'd like you to remember that you can retreat to my room. Or find me, I'll help you put him back in his place,"

The question itself was sweet in her concern though broached a serious topic.  One that Grace didn't know how to answer.  Reyes had never been abusive verbally or physically to her but he was a nightmare when it came to his own body.  From sword fights and his dangerous though skilled piloting, he was a nightmare as a patient and a boyfriend.  Most of their arguments were in regard to his own safety which she should have seen coming from the get go considering how their first embrace came about.

"Well no... I mean yes but not intentionally or at least he didn't get it... so no but kinda.  I guess... it's complicated.  Yeah that cleared things up.  Grace rolled onto her back and her gaze moved to the ceiling, fatigue from the long day and the opening of old wounds was catching up to her.  Her eyes grew heavy and she let out a yawn.

"I don't think I have any more questions at the moment.  So I think you win?"


"Well no... I mean yes but not intentionally or at least he didn't get it... so no but kinda.  I guess... it's complicated."

Charity stared at the woman as she attempted to answer the question, one brow lifting once more in an attempt to mentally unpack that answer into something she could comprehend. Her own fatigue was pulling at her, making her heavy and the strange bed feel so inviting, so perhaps she'd have to wait until the morning to delve into that half-answer. She couldn't plan some act of retribution with so little to go off, now could she?

"I don't think I have any more questions at the moment.  So I think you win?"

She reached forward to smooth back Grace's hair once before smiling sleepily, "I think so," she agreed, inhaling deeply and lifting her hand to cover her lips with her fingertips as she managed her own tiny, unhealthily dainty yawn.

Charity moved her hand to lay hers again over Grace's, holding one of the doctor's with both of hers as she closed her eyes, "Perhaps tomorrow I can accompany you to the med bay? I'd love to see you in your natural habitat," she murmured cheekily, grinning to herself, although the mischief in her eyes was concealed by closed eyes, dark lashes standing out against her ivory skin.
Dialogue Color: AntiqueWhite

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